
The benefits of pepper

Publié par happy-diet jeudi 11 mars 2010

The benefits of pepper

* Contents:

- Containing pepper sugar (sucrose), various organic acids, pectin, fiber and some carbohydrates and protein.
In which many elements of metal, which is rich in vitamins (especially vitamin C).

* The benefits and uses:

- Uses different types of pepper Valvfil sweet (green or red) finds a wide scope for the use of where he is eaten raw or added to the stored food to cook daily. Rich in vitamins and that it is crushed and added to some types of food enriched with vitamins.
The chili pepper is also added to food so that many people
(Especially in South East Asia) adopted in their diets daily.

- Pepper has taken since ancient medicine against several diseases, tanning agent was used by Indians for the pain and a handler for the cough and sore throat against asthma and chronic airways.

- Europeans believed that pepper address poor digestion, ulcers Modern science has proven this to be true, as demonstrated by science Filv that ease the cold and injuries airways and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and resist cancer,
And pepper and garlic and ginger shed blood and destroy the clots, which helps to avoid heart disease, the arteries and clotting and low vision.

- Hot peppers and medical uses and have been using crushed or soaked or extracted with cream painted by the body or rubbing it (locally) in cases of nerve pain, and Al-Qattan (a neurological pain in the lower back) and inflammation of muscles.
And therefore drenched pepper help against rheumatism, and is very useful material in cosmetics because it strengthens the hair and help him grow (use external) or replace the soaked pepper paprika juice for use in outer fat.

- Modern medicine has found many secrets in the peppers (hot special) article which cause taste hot pepper found in ointments used to relieve pain caused by arthritis.
It seems that the chili is drugged Some neurons depend on the transfer of pain signals to the brain hence he on the patient's sense of pain.

Until the chili improves the production of hormones anti-pain in the body is considered a right of tranquilizers.
Remarkably, the chili improves mood.

- And chilies and garlic and cleans the respiratory tract and expels phlegm from it.
Because it is rich in vitamin C help to improve the process of respiration, which is so rich in vitamin A so it is of the elements of anti-oxidant and cholesterol-fighting harmful in the blood and cleaned of blood vessels of this scourge.
The peppers from the actors in the fight against cancer cells and booster for the immune system in the body.

- Warns of eating peppers (as food or medicine) those who suffer from diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver and kidneys.

- And pepper is a source of beta carotene Vito chemicals and substances that anti-oxidant.
The article Alkaspsin located in peppers are considered a doping substance that contains an over the counter is used as material for bacteria.
And pepper regulates blood pressure and facilitate the menstrual cycle and increases the secretions of the digestive system and increases the growth process.
The Pepper of the kings of vitamins A and C.

* The depreciation method:

- The good kind of pepper is the one that has a firm and bright colors. You can save pepper in the fridge for a week.
But to benefit from the wealth vitamin C should be consumed fresh.
To facilitate the absorption of vitamins from the pepper is preferable to add the amount of oil to it.

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