

Publié par happy-diet vendredi 12 mars 2010


Dates is an ideal food for humans to fit on the main nutrients such as sugars and amino acids, minerals, fats, proteins and other in the popular proverb (dates nails behind). It also contains anti-cancer and sexual stimulants used with milk, if it increases the body in fertilizes chastity Dates mineral phosphorus which is food for the rooms, booths Alnpiliip reproduction and this gives sexual power as well as acid arginine, one of the essential amino acids and uric acid play an influential role in males as deficiency in males leads to a lack of sperm formation, and then he may, in particular the importance of some of the suffering of infertility due to lack of sperm so it is important and useful food fit for men and helps them to maintain their sexual function and hormones such as hormone Albitusin property of the organization, which has open when women as well as it prevents bleeding during and after birth and reduced blood pressure when it dealt with pregnant women. The dates of the fruit is sweet excellent, a very rich food necessary for a person, the one kilogram gives him three thousand calories, equivalent to the thermal energy of the average man activity per day in other words, one kilogram of dates gives the same calorific value, which gives the flesh, and what gives a kilo of dates is equivalent to three times what gives one kilo of fish.

It contains vitamin dates (a), which is equivalent to a high proportion in the greatest sources or the equivalent rate in fish oil, butter and vitamin (a) As is well known helps to increase the weight of children and so-called doctors name growth factor also preserves moisture, luster and eye so contradictory to night blindness . It contains the dates of vitamin B 1 and vitamin B-2 These vitamins strengthen the nerves and blood vessels softening and moisturizing the intestine and conservation of infections, vulnerability, described by doctors, vitamin B and athletes to Nagahin The vitamin B-2 is described in the liver lesions and cracks, their lips and in broken nails and cracked skin. Dates rich in minerals, where scientists found that feeding to date rich phosphorus, it is the richest of apricots and grapes every hundred grams of dates, we find forty milligrams of phosphorus, while not exceeding the amount of phosphorus found in any fruit than twenty milligrams of the same quantity if we know in the installation of phosphorus enters bones and teeth and uses the dates to address the shortage of potassium Hypokalemia to contain large amounts of potassium addition, a few grains of dates more than in effect for the benefit of a full bottle of syrup of iron or taking a needle calcium, iron and calcium that are found in the dates normally tolerated by the body and quickly Eetmthelh While iron and calcium drugs Tmjha stomach and a heavy mucous membrane may not fully assimilate evidence for that color pigmentation of stool deal drugs in black iron. It contains the dates of magnesium has been observed that people who eat a lot do not know the dates of cancer at all, and trace elements and important dates BORON Boron, which is important for the growth of some organisms and plays a major role of boron in vitamins that are of importance for the treatment of arthritis and there is the effect of boron on sex hormones The study showed that the date contains boron up to 3 6 mg / 100 g in the flesh and the core as both scientists finally decided to launch a (tunneling in metal mines dates) in each grain with dates and have a number of types of candies Kalgelokoz (sugar grapes) and Allikoz (fructose), sucrose (sugar cane), representing approximately 70% and therefore fuel Dates of First Instance, with dates and sweets are quick easy absorption of representation, as it does not need to absorb digestive processes and complex bio-chemical processes, as is the case, for example in articles fatty and starchy (like those in rice and bread) that need to gastrointestinal secretions. The stomach can digest and absorb the dates of sugars in it within an hour or a few hours and usefulness of the sugars found in dates is not limited in the granting of heat capacity and activity, but it is diuretic kidney wash and clean the liver. And dates contain fiber Alsllowesip gain form its own and helps these fibers on bowel movement circularity and thus make natural and Melinda dates dates help to avoid disease and to prevent the hemorrhoids from constipation handled dates and a wet fiber-rich found that every 100 grams of dates yield about 8.5 grams of fiber and these fibers important to prevent constipation has appeared in this area a recent study published in a magazine, a magazine American Nutrition Journal Of American Dietetic benefits dates indicated in the treatment of constipation and prevention of diseases and hemorrhoids contain dates on certain enzymes enzyme, named the most famous (Anfian), which helps the maturity date is the most important enzyme affects the quality of the dates it will continue its work after picking fruits and is the cause of the short duration of keeping the image of wet dates, as it serves to maturity and conversion to go through. Going through the flesh to the roles and stages of maturity until the first stage, the pollen then Albesr become wet and Graceful Prinia at this stage water sweet and the period of this phase, ranging from 2 4 weeks and the last phase of dates is the final phase of fruit maturation

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