

Publié par happy-diet lundi 8 mars 2010


Depression is a mixture of feelings of sadness, and loneliness, and feeling rejected by others, and a sense of helplessness and inability to face life's problems. As defined by the U.S. Institute of Mental Health, depression is:
"Disorder in the rest of the body includes the body and the ideas, mood, and affect the man's vision for himself and the people around him and what is happening from the events so that the patient loses his poise as physical, psychological and emotional."

According to the opinion of mental health experts, the symptoms and manifestations of the following indicate the presence of depressive illness:
· Lasting feeling of sadness, anxiety and irritable.
Losing interest and a sense of pleasure in favorite activities of the same.
Permanent · pessimism and helplessness in the face of life's problems.
· Sense of guilt, lack of value and importance in society.
The inability to show or accept the emotions of others and of others.
Problems: sleep such as insomnia or sleep for long hours, or waking up early.
Problems: eating (excessive appetite, shortness of appetite).
· Chronic physical pain that does not work with the treatment.
· Cry a lot.
· Speed jittering, hyperactivity and inability to calm and relax.
Permanent · fatigue and the inability to make a physical effort.
· Lack of ability to concentrate, remember and make good decisions.
• In severe cases of depression are born thinking the actual suicide or attempted suicide.

Causes depression

Spread of the disease in the family
According to the statistics of natural, almost two-thirds of people with depression have family members or relatives of the infected.

Age of youth and adolescence, which is supposed to be the happiest times of rights have become in the opinion of mental health experts of the saddest periods of life when many young people and adolescents in the modern era, where they tend to express their inner feelings about the requirements of modern society and its problems by showing the many feelings of anger and rebellion, or escape from home or addiction to alcohol, drugs or show aggressive behavior, whether at home or school or work, in fact, according to mental health experts, the failure to address cases of depression in adolescents carries with it risk of the patients committed suicide, the evidence of increased suicide rate for more than three items between groups of adolescents and young people of both sexes, according to U.S. statistics.

Problems and much psychological pressure
Various problems of modern life such as loss of their loved ones or sudden family problems and the family, marriage and divorce and the breakdown of moral principles and values in modern societies as well as poverty and the inability to provide ways and means to live with dignity in modern societies, is a collection of daily stress experienced by human societies modern, and all the problems and psychological stress lead to depression, a psychological reaction to these problems.

Serious illness and chronic diseases:
Depression may occur to some who have a disease cause harm mentally or physically or both of the patient, such as epilepsy, head injuries fiber shape, stroke, heart attack or stroke or cancer disease and even obesity.

The Athaddam Barbiturates some tranquilizers or steroids or treatment of any drugs or other drugs continuously for a long time, may lead to a depression in some patients these diseases.

Alcohol and drug addiction
According to medical statistics, the incidence of depression among alcoholics and drug abusers is more prevalent compared to individuals who do not use alcohol or drugs at all or use them for periods of a few and far between. At the same time, depending on Medical Statistics, the depressed patients more likely to use alcohol and drugs than non-sufferers of depression.

Females according to statistics of the American Medical gestational disease, severe depression doubled as compared to males, while cases of mild depression is increasing at the rate of 5-6 times higher among females compared to males. In the opinion of an expert of psychology at Stanford University Susan Ixima the cause of the depression to the feelings of grief in such a way to surrender to the feelings of grief and allow them to control the feelings of the college other human rights, and thus falling into the whirlpool of sadness lasting and deep, unlike men who can forget the sadness in one way or the other .

Symptoms of depression

- Loss of appetite or an increase of binge eating.
- Insomnia or sleep very long.
- Fatigue and stress lasting peace.
- Loss of ability to concentrate and make decisions.
- The feeling of importance in the community.
- The feeling of helplessness and powerlessness.

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