
Disease Alomatesm

Publié par happy-diet dimanche 7 mars 2010

Disease Alomatesm

The definition of arthritis:
The term given to the disease in close infect the joints, muscles, and belts, bones, nerves and cause pain and discomfort and sweating.

The causes of arthritis (inflammation of the joints):
There are different types of this disease ... While it may be the causes of some well-known, but the real reason the essential was still unknown in many cases.

Treatment for rheumatoid arthritis food:

There is no doubt that the treatment of rheumatism anti-inflammatory food can not be a substitute for the basic drug treatment but continued research has proved day after day that the program of nutrition course, dishes and appetizers, Yun arthritis patients of many symptoms of the disease, especially from excruciating pain.
This was confirmed by Professor (Olaf Adam) from the Faculty of Medicine Munich, in front of the international conference on arthritis in the German capital Berlin, and Professor (Adam) that a high percentage of patients with arthritis do not eat enough vegetables and rely on ready meals and the amounts in cooking, is not surprising time that exacerbated their suffering from the disease, the study has shown that 40% of patients with arthritis suffer from malnutrition, and suffers, in addition to that, from a lack of vitamins and calcium and the prevalence of intolerance to certain types of foods, including evidence and multiply in the years to food dishes free of meat reflect positively on the course and the development of rheumatism, as meat contains a lot of Alaracdonnep acids which play an important role in exacerbating inflammation, while this may be of some grains and green onions, walnuts, and soybeans to rein in the process of inflammation due to acid Alaicosaptin equivalent to the effects of acids Alaracdonnep. This is not all because the fish and nuts contain a lot of fatty acids (omega 3) which impede the work of the inflammatory enzyme, in addition to the unsaturated fatty acids do not work to reduce the activity of acid Alarakidunip in studying the human body, but equivalent to the impact of these acids, which infiltrate to the body through nutrition, and studies have shown that by (Adam) and his team to some fish, soybeans, walnuts contain acids Alvalinolin of anti-inflammatory and a good amount of vitamin.

With the knowledge that there were disagreements among doctors about the importance and benefit of vitamin E in the treatment of rheumatism, note that the Rheumatic need a day to a good amount of calcium up to one gram per day, and prefer to resort to the injured little Dezomp milk and its derivatives in order to provide quantitative and stay away as much as possible Dezomp full of milk, and here there must be compensation for the red and white meat to resort to fish contains fatty acids (omega-3) at a rate high, and known to be the richest of these acids is fish, salmon and sardines Almacarin.

Tips for people with arthritis

1 - eating meat twice a week maximum and in limited quantities.

2 - a lot of vegetables and soy products.

3 - Replacement of sunflower oil, soybean oil and fat nuts.

4 - half a liter per day of low-fat milk.

5 - Movement of adequate and frequent exposure to fresh air and sunlight (vitamin D).

6 - Work to cook food and the way that keeps the vitamins in it.

7 - To reduce weight and reduce pressure at the joints.

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