
Itchy skin ... Inconvenience and alarm!

Publié par happy-diet jeudi 11 mars 2010

Itchy skin ... Inconvenience and alarm!

The human body has the means of early warning and defense equipment to prevent harm to the body early in most cases, if we have heard and taken note of these warning signs.
For example, reflects a headache cases of the body may be pain elsewhere, may be stressful body complain of it, may also be an early warning of serious disease.
Since the skin is the first line of defense for the body, it is natural that the Binmarna if affected by a factor or harmed for any reason. We see this clearly we did the rapid response to move away when exposed to heat source for example, where the reaction that helps in preventing the skin from the harm of continued higher if we were to that source. Produced when skin is exposed to any harmful chemicals such as histamine and substance which is responsible and other materials for the reactions in question, as these substances cause itching as well, which is also from the reaction of the skin responsible for protection from the impact of harmful substances that might be exposed to the skin down as a result of his presence in the vicinity of these materials.
Cause itching as a result of many factors can be divided into:
1 - internal factors: the skin is affected negatively or positively the health status of the body, so appear on the skin different symptoms, including itchy skin when there are certain diseases.
It produces itching when there is a deficiency in thyroid function, and in some diseases of the blood, may reflect the presence of itching and a breakdown in the functions of other organs also occurs in the fall kidney and liver. In other cases, itching may be a manifestation of the most serious diseases as in cases of leukemia, for example. Itching may appear as a symptom of drug addiction.
2 - external factors: the skin is a protective layer to the internal organs which in addition to the face that bears the burden of all the external factors that negatively impact the skin is often exposed to natural weather factors like the sun and the factors that man-made contaminants different atmosphere, as the skin is exposed to material dealing with human day soap and cleaning materials in general.
And do not forget here working the drought affecting the skin because of the weather and the atmosphere and the quality and temperature of the water used for bathing.
As a large group of skin diseases may cause itching and skin Valthss which may be called eczema and results from skin exposure to substances that cause allergies such as clothing and manufactured goods and some chemical plants, may cause itching, with symptoms of these diseases from redness and small bubbles.
There are infectious diseases caused by infection with certain parasites cause itchy skin when infected by scabies contagious illness that, for example. Know that the denominator enumerates each of the diseases that cause itching long, it is therefore important to identify the cause itching before resorting to treatment, a task carried out by a doctor examines the skin and sometimes also the inner member. It may also resort the doctor to confirm or deny the existence of a disease by making an analysis of blood or examine the function of its own. Treatment is focused on treating the disease causes, if any, and then focus on the general factors contributing to the reduction of itching or termination:
1 - to drink enough liquids, especially during the summer.
2 - bathing water closer to the cold.
3 - wear cotton clothes where it causes clothing made from wool or synthetic fibers in the skin and cause irritation, itching.
4 - Do not use detergents, skin irritant to the skin, including soap and bath preparations in general.
5 - addition of hydrating the skin during or after bathing.
6 - Not exposing the skin to considerable variation in temperature or dehydration from heating or air-conditioning.
7 - Use of devices to dampen the atmosphere, may be useful in such a case the use of (adapted desert).
8 - Use of appropriate drugs, anti-itching, which may describe a physician.
9 - the doctor may prescribe Cosmetics Cortizp to control the itching, especially in the night.
Despite the inconvenience to people with itchy skin them, they in our view as we have a means by which the skin complaint of a problem is exposed.
It is the duty not to leave the patient's skin complaining for a long time, and of the physician's duty to listen to this complaint and find their cause and then develop a solution

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