
Publié par happy-diet lundi 15 mars 2010

Summer diarrhea in children

With high temperatures and humidity, most people resort to air conditioners, cold, and to drink plenty of water, especially after meals.
So that such weather, can influence the work of the digestive tract, causing diarrhea summer, targeting children in particular, and here you must know the ways and reasons for the diarrhea symptoms of the summer to prevent it, and the mother should follow the medical advice and guidance so that they can protect her child from a serious complication that may endure if neglected treatment.

Causes of diarrhea Savings:

Contamination of the food intake of the child is not for the 6 months after, and not to clean the bottle, and not to boil the water, which is well used .. In addition Valotamp eaten by the child after that age outside of your home in turn, lead to Ashalac, The situation is exacerbated when the child is over two years, which can eat shawarma and falafel and chips, a material often leads to severe Ishalac special bags of chips, potatoes, where these bags are vacuum , and when exposed to sunlight directly lead to the emergence of some oxidizing substances which cause diarrhea and poisonings addressed and abdominal pain.

Ishalac travelers:

There is the so-called diarrhea traveler .. When changing the center of bacterial in the intestine through the transition from one region to another, and different contamination of the former lead to diarrhea, due to the incitement of some bacteria in the intestine.
Other causes of diarrhea complicated by bacterial infection (Kalisabp Balsalmunella
Or injury or breakfast Kalisabp Paljbardia ----- dysenteriae, and some viral infections cause diarrhea, such as HIV infection Brundta

Tips to avoid diarrhea:

- Wash hands thoroughly before you use these materials for young children, so that bacteria are transmitted from our hands to eat.
- Ensure that hygiene before entering the bathroom, in particular,
- Washing the dishes and pots or mixer or spoons .. Well and not leave them exposed to flies.
- When eating outside the home:
- At the time of diarrhea should be:
1 - a lot of fluids, and increase the number of breast-feedings.
2 - Giving rehydration solution such as water, rice and soup and fresh water

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