
Tea helps to restore circulation

Publié par happy-diet lundi 15 mars 2010

Tea helps to restore circulation

Tokyo / Many people prefer drinking a cup of hot tea, especially after eating fatty meals without apparent reason.
But researchers in Japan found that eating a cup of tea after heavy meals may help in the renewal and revitalization of the circulatory system and reverse some of the harmful effects of fatty food on the body.
The researchers said that eating a fatty meal, increased levels of fats in the blood, which causes the production of harmful molecules known as free Bahaward oxygen species responsible for the hardening of blood vessels and contraction on a temporary basis, especially when people with a cardiovascular disease.
The researchers found through analysis and evaluation of the effects of two types of fatty meals rich in fat and grease at ten healthy volunteers aged between 21 - 38 years so that ate black tea after a meal, while I drank the water after the second meal, they found that blood flow was higher after drinking the tea, which indicates that the antioxidants in this drink helped the natural blood vessels to function properly and well.
The tests showed that the medical tests and anti-oxidant capacity in the blood of the participants were higher after the meal during which they drank tea.
Experts warned that fatty meals may be the final blow for people with heart disease and hardening of the arteries caused when healthy people are not suffering from any heart problems so it was necessary to discover effective ways to ease the tension actually blood vessels resulting from the consumption of fats and tea, which has proved an effective role

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