
Tract Allergic

Publié par happy-diet lundi 8 mars 2010

Tract Allergic

One of the most disturbing things complained of some patients or people in general acidity. May even be some to go for more than a doctor or hospital and dealt with many of the drugs and pharmaceuticals to end this suffering. But to know the treatment we must first know what the causes of acidity and how protective of them. Prominent among the causes of acidity increased secretion of hydrochloric acid from the stomach, either for the cause of pathological diseases such as Zollinger, which leads to increased secretion of acid continuously, leading to injury ulcer, or due to disruption of the equation acid in the stomach the lack of some enzymes, or due to the irregularity of the process of eating either eating continuous (nuts, candy) or drink (coffee, tea) which leads to acid secretion continuously throughout the day, or due to smoking. Adding to the suffering and sometimes muscle weakness in the closure of the bottom of the esophagus leading to acid reflux is located in the stomach into the esophagus and thus feel pain very sharp, especially when you lie down on the back. here is the importance of medical wisdom argument: prevention is better than cure, but how to be the prevention of stomach acidity? First we have moderation in eating during the day and that the distribution of meals to three main periods while ensuring the diversity of food in each meal. Second, be careful not to eat too much between the main meals so there is no excessive acid secretion throughout the day. III must be moderation in drinking coffee, tea and soft drinks that lead to acid secretion significantly. Care to eat fresh vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers and fruit moderate acidity such as apples, to equalize the acid in the stomach. Must be careful not eating or drinking before going to sleep at least two hours so as not to discard acid secretion during sleep where the man lying on his back or either side. In the case of the increasing complexity of the problem are advised to review dermatologist digestive system of a telescope of the stomach and esophagus to know why, The treatment of acidity of the most popular drugs and these drugs are divided into several types as follows: anti-heartburn drugs such as medication Malux. Drugs that inhibit acid secretion, such as medicine Zntak. This is the most common and widely used drugs, but there are other medicines are being spent by the pathological condition by the doctor in charge. However, it remains the most important in dealing with the acidity of the stomach is the prevention always and never.

Described for the treatment of acidity:

It is a pomegranate peel (collected and dried pomegranate peel and then grinding smooth handling, and you can choose any of them in two ways: --

The first method: - 1 / a cup of boiling water in a pot and add a teaspoonful of powdered pomegranate peel them ... And then drink Kalshahi but it will be very Almarora.

The second method is: - 2 / add spoon of pomegranate peel powder packets into yogurt freshly mixed and then be dealt with ... Mataathml this if it passes the first method.

This method is tried and successful drug for acidity and burning in the ordinary cases, not cases or chronic arrears, which are advised to consult the doctor and the medical examination proper.

1 drink liquorice of the best drinks for the treatment of acidity.

2 eating lettuce.

3 drinking milk and milk without sugar.

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