
Water means life

Publié par happy-diet lundi 8 mars 2010

Water means life, health, and increase the percentage of water rights in the composition of objects and animals to 70% more than that in plants where the water is 95% of each other. According to estimates by scholars, the volume of water covering the globe is 1,5 billion square kilometers, but the water molecule to a small extent that it can corner the 10 billion water molecule in the head of a pin.
Water is 90% of the complex system and the source of thinking as a man is the brain. Composed of water and also 0 7% of the components of the heart and 86% of the lungs and liver, 83% of the kidneys, 75% of the different muscles of the body and 83% of the blood. If water is necessary for the life of the clean water is absolutely necessary for health, because all vital bodily functions depend on clean water in their work and communication. For this we die after the period (varies from person to person, depending on the circumstances) of the interruption of water supplies from his body. Advises scientists and health professionals to address water rights, enough fresh water per day for those who care to avoid a lot of health complications. But, unfortunately, does not address the rights sufficient quantity of water necessary for life every day and an estimated 8 - 10 cups a day minimum.
Some believe they are able to compensate by eating cola, tea, coffee, juice and alcohol and other now that that does not correspond with reality completely. Human is needed daily to 2-3 liters of pure water and clean this, the quality of water for cooking and drinking play an important role in the life of another man and health. Of course, the need for water in humans determined by the amount of water lost from the body as well. It is estimated that doctors and scientists that man is normal to lose a day only through the Adrar, sweating and breathing about 3 liters of water. It is assumed that the offset rights half of this water lost at least by drinking clean water directly. Man gets half of what it needs from the water by other drinks in addition to about 0.3 Traadavia adds to the body are through the oxidation of foods.
And the body of an early warning system is sensitive to the loss of water by a certain caution rights through a sense of thirst. It is enough loss of 0.8% of body water for the operation of this device to cause manifestations of dry lips, dry throat and pharynx. This means that the loss of 0.3 liters of water body in a human being weighing 70 kg bells ding lead to caution in the human body. When the risk or coerce you to stay in this situation Vsedb the sense of fatigue and weakness. Worse than that is the continuation of the situation because it leads to constipation and the accumulation of gravel in the kidneys and the reduced effectiveness of the circulatory system and heart. Elderly people suffer more than other symptoms of lack of water due to the fading of the warning to have the impact of advancing age and lower sense of their need for water and perhaps this is one of the reasons for their lack of concentration.
But different bodies of water in the proportion of male than in female bodies? Dr Philip Miveton author (nutrition for survival) that water constitutes 60% of the body of a young male athlete and compose 50% of the body of the young female sports. The focus of two-thirds of the water in the body in the muscles as well as a large proportion in the blood and may find themselves in the male and female, in the opinion in the case of Miveton Alankaz replica of the drought or Dehydration. The athletes feel the need to drink water when they feel thirsty, but Alankaz or drought that started before the thirst for the opinion of Miveton. The important thing is that the drought gets the full 24 hours after it began For this reason, the most athletes living in permanent drought without feeling so.
Sport and the body loses water to liters of water every hour during the performance rights for the sport and moderate loss beyond this three or four times this figure while performing extreme sports. And loses an average tennis player during the hour and a half of playing about two liters of water and more so, of course, while playing in the sultry Sunny. Not only «hemorrhage fluids during sports on the water only because the body loses many of the important metals also, such as magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium, which is indispensable for humans in the process of metabolism. Obviously, the loss of these materials lead to the weakness of the forces, various aches, muscle spasms, stiffening the walls of the coronary artery, disruption of neural activity and so on. Therefore, the mineral water is the primary fuel for athletes because it is equivalent to loss of water and minerals at the same time working to maintain strong player. Doctors advise athletes to address mineral water containing many of magnesium and potassium, because the first works against muscle pulls and works the second against the loss of muscle.
Derived mineral water in Germany, mainly from areas like the mountains. Where it is being extracted free of harmful substances in more than 1000 source and a deep well. And shall be underground water usually ruled for decades and perhaps centuries, they make their way deep in the ground before they received by humans. And the layers of sand, gravel and rocks may Nguetha to a large extent and many of its minerals and salts is important. The greater the depth of the water source the greater the proportion of the metals and works of these metals as well as carbon dioxide to give each groundwater characteristics and taste.
Meanwhile, experts agree that tap water is good for it, and by region, consisting mainly of ground water by two-thirds, and surface water by one third. Keen oversight and strict standards in the civilized world to deliver water to drink a health to humans. Danger comes from nitrate to water a substance widely used in fertilizer and regular leak into the groundwater by the life cycle of water. Specialists and adds lime to the water to rid it of nitrates.
Treatment of drinking water the best water treatment methods are physical methods, but that the world cares so far chemically treat water (chlorine) and mechanical (filters) and there is a course for a variety of ways that fit with the job expected of these waters. And we are talking here about the treatment of drinking water in view of its importance to human health and his life. Note that the wastewater treatment has enormous environmental importance of these days, their relationship to the protection of the environment and humans from water contaminated factories and farms.
We receive drinking water today after passing through the filters and add to it some of the chemicals to clean and free of impurities and microbes. Filters are used mainly to hunt for organic objects and metals harmful and outstanding when used in compliance with the teachings of chlorine disinfection of bacteria and parasites. These materials are used frequently, even in clean water as a «preventive» strictly. Not yet fully explored the relationship of these materials present in the drinking water of many diseases and sensitivities that we are experiencing. Of course, the other materials used to kill bacteria in drinking water, including the use of ozone, ultraviolet rays (both water to kill algae) and a method of ionization (add lime to reduce the sodium ions in water), note that the specifications of the government water tolerate five times with calcium compared with sodium. Also produces distilled water rights with a view to use in industrial products, a water unfit for drinking.
As you can see, all the mentioned methods designed to purify water and keep them within a particular catalog specifications vary from country to country but there is no single method designed to improve the physical health of the water. It is the scientists are currently developing methods of modern technology to improve the physical conditions of drinking water through pipelines and liquefied in large quantities. As we have said previously, the best ways to address the water is the physical methods, but the treated water in this way is a rare coin in the market. The ways to deal with water in large quantities, maintain its effectiveness, and built mini-cyclones within a view sterilization and cleaning and maintaining the physical specifications at the same time.

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