
What is diabetes?

Publié par happy-diet jeudi 11 mars 2010

What is diabetes?

Is the rise in the proportion of blood sugar, which is a chronic condition resulting from partial or total lack of the hormone insulin, which is a hormone that is produced by the pancreas to help the blood sugar to enter body cells where the conversion of energy to help the body to move.

When there is less insulin in the body, the more sugar in the blood, the body can not benefit from it, is he appears in the urine.

What are the types of diabetes?

There are two types of diabetes:

Type I: diabetes in children or young people, the kind adopted in the treatment of insulin.

Type II: adult diabetes, a type not supported in non-insulin-treated.

Diabetes and high blood sugar

What is high blood sugar diabetes?

The high proportion of sugar in the blood in patients with diabetes is a chronic and frequently disabling condition, and the primary objective in the treatment of diabetes to reduce the periods where there is a high sugar in the blood. The extent of the patient from feeling symptoms of high sugar vary from person to person, so there is difficulty in knowing the percentage of sugar in the blood of symptoms during the phenomenon.

Can be defined as high sugar in the blood as an increase in the rate of sugar in the blood of 125 mg / d in the case of fasting, and 200 mg / d.

What are the symptoms of high blood sugar?

* Feeling tired
* Frequency of urination with the thirst
* Elusion sight
* Bnmnmp feeling or tingling in the toes and hands
* Slow-healing wounds
* Muscle cramps

What are the symptoms of a sharp rise of the sugar with high acids in the blood?

* Abdominal pain
* Smell the fruit in the mouth (acetone)
* A decrease in weight
* Frequent urination
* Drought in the skin and mouth
* Rapid breathing rate

What are the causes of high blood sugar?

* Dealing with a large quantity of food
* Lack of exercise or not to exercise the usual
* Do not take the treatment of diabetes
* Illness or injury, acute inflammation
* Fall under the psychological pressure

What is the treatment of high blood sugar?

If there was a rise in the proportion of sugar in the blood, you must consider the reason that led to this increase, where possible to maintain the level of sugar in the blood level of natural and by:

* The appropriate diet
* To engage in activities and exercises specific
* Taking sugar reducers in the opinion of the treating physician

Is there any other guidance?

* If you suffer from acute symptoms of sugar in the blood should contact your doctor immediately or go to the hospital immediately
* If the blood sugar high for a week and you do not know why, you should discuss this matter with your doctor.
* The high simple sugar in the blood for short periods and limited is not serious and it happens all patients with diabetes, but when the sugar level remains high for long periods of time, the danger lies in the complications of diabetes
* The sugar in the blood reveals the level of sugar in the body and gives the actual value of sugar.
* The examination of the urine reflects the high level of sugar in the body but does not give the actual value of sugar.

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