
Why has the rights dimples in the face or chin??

Publié par happy-diet lundi 15 mars 2010

Why has the rights dimples in the face or chin?

Laghmazac is simple dent in the skin caused by changes in the lower layer of the skin. But why some people have dimples, while not owned by others?
I wonder what makes a face beautiful?
There is no doubt as confident smile. Where a smile is one of the most distinctive parts of the facial expressions. But what makes a smile more attractive? They Laghmazac! But what is the Laghmazac? It is a natural curvature of the skin, and often appear on the cheeks or chin. The cheeks that contains the dimples of the most beautiful faces ever in many cultures.

The Laghmazac dominant inherited trait. In anatomical, showing Laghmazac because of differences in the installation of facial muscles (zygomaticus major). The more people who have owned dimples on the cheeks. While the Al_mezp on one side of the face are rare. Show Laghmazac because of the short muscles. And often appear to infants dimples, but become less pronounced with age due to muscle stretch.

But why do people have facial dimples? Simply because some people have short muscles. These muscles pull the skin when a person smiles, highlighting the bruised or Al_mezp classic. In most cases, do not appear until Laghmazac smiling person. And can be wiped out this Laghmazac or disappear with age because of the expansive muscles.

Some people have dimples on the chin. It is similar to dimples the cheek, and chin Dimple is also inherited with a different degree of importance. In the case of the latter, could be bruised up deep enough to reach the jaw bone. It is likely to cause splitting between the right and left of the lower jaw during the genetic evolution.

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